We adopt a holistic approach to addressing the issues that you face and where appropriate, will work with a network of associated professionals to ensure that your emotional, financial and legal issues are well looked after.
We are able to provide expertise and a strategic approach in the following areas:
Parenting Matters
We will provide you with child-focused advice, representation and support in relation to establishing parenting arrangements that will meet the needs of your children.
Child Support
We will give you advice and assistance in relation to legal obligations to provide financial support and, where appropriate, assist in negotiating private agreements.
Financial Issues / Property SettlementĀ
From formalising a privately negotiated agreement, to complex property settlements (including rural and multiple entities), we have the expertise to advise you in relation to your entitlements to ensure your rights are protected, including estate planning considerations, taxation, and stamp duty implications.
Spousal Maintenance
We will provide you with advice in relation to legal entitlements and obligations to support a spouse and an assessment of needs and capacity to meet Orders for periodic or lump sum payments.
Relationship Agreements
We have the expertise to provide you with advice in relation to Binding Financial Agreements and Cohabitation Agreements to protect individual contributions to a relationship and provide you with the control over how your financial and property affairs are to be dealt with in the event of death or a breakdown of your relationship.
Dispute Resolution Processes
Advice, support and representation in a range of alternative dispute resolution processes, including mediation, conciliation and arbitration, in addition to litigation and Court appearances when necessary.
We can provide representation to ensure that your marriage is formally dissolved following separation from your spouse.